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Brother, You’re on My Mind Letter

Writer's picture: 8th District KRS8th District KRS

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. —Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

In the spirit of FRIENDSHIP, I bring greetings from the Supreme Basileus of the Universe without whom none of this would be possible. Recognition and honor to our beloved founders: Dr. Ernest E. Just, Bishop Edgar A. Love, Dr. Oscar J. Cooper, and Brother Frank Coleman. Acknowledging all brothers in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota and South Dakota. My prayers are that you plus your entire family are healthy, safe and blessed.

Acknowledging the month of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to reduce the stigma and discrimination around mental health, promoting mental health and wellness, and inspiring hope for people with a mental health condition. It is a good reminder to focus on the importance of mental health and its impact on our well-being. Mental health conditions can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, or income level.

As chairman of the 8th District, Home of the Heavyweights, “Brother, You’re on My Mind” committee, I would like to acknowledge those brothers and chapters that have taken the initiative to focus on the trust, sense of brotherhood, and friendships nurtured by Omega’s founding principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. Recognize those who shared through panel discussions, forums, articles, educational materials, and local chapter meetings, allowing brothers to learn the facts about African American men and the effects of depression and stress. Including the harm of negative stereotypes, perceptions about mental illness, and ways to support a friend or family member in crisis, plus how to offer suggestions to get treatment.

“Friendship is Essential to the Soul” - Omega Psi Phi motto - our friendships feed our soul. Our friends make us feel at home no matter where we are and they are in our corner when life gets tough and/or become challenging. A friend can be a brother’s strongest ally in the battle against depression and stress.

What does it mean I am my brother's keeper? To be my brother's keeper means being willing to put aside whatever I might be dealing with at the present time in my own life, and receiving direction from God on how best to help someone. Moving forward I challenge you to contact three (3) Omega Brothers as a wellness check shortly after reading this email. If you participate in any capacity within your chapter’s “Brother, You’re on My Mind” send your contact information to and/or (314) 277-9252. Let’s collect ideas and share valuable information to present to the body of the Eighth District.


Brother Roddy

Brother Dr. Ferrell L. Roddy, PhD, ThD, MBA

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