Greetings, Brothers,
I pray this message finds you in good health and spirit, with your lives abundantly blessed.
On behalf of our 36th Eighth District Representative, Marvin DeJear, Ph.D., we are excited to announce that applications are now open for the 2025 Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr. Leadership Academy class.
The Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr. Leadership Academy is an intensive, multi-week educational and lecture series designed to enhance fraternal literacy and cultivate future fraternity leaders.
The academy is open to any fully paid member in good standing who has been part of the Fraternity for at least two years and has previously served or is currently serving in any capacity:
A chapter officer
A chapter committee chair
A district committee chair or member
Application Process
If you are interested in participating in this transformative program, please:
1. Email me at glennerice1911@gmail.com with the following details:
Personal information (current chapter, chapter, and date of initiation, complete contact details)
A statement (maximum 200 words) explaining why you are interested in becoming a Beckwith Leadership Academy Fellow
2. Include a reference letter from one of the following:
A Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr. Leadership Academy graduate
Your chapter Basileus
A former District Representative
3. Complete the application form:
Click here to apply
Important Details
Application Deadline: Friday, January 31, 2025, by close of business
Space: Limited to 10 participants
Tentative Program Start Date: Week of Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Session Format: Virtual, held at least twice a month (video camera must be activated during the entire session)
Participants will engage in a group project determined by District Representative DeJear and are required to:
Attend at least 90% of academy sessions (without an excused absence)
Actively participate and complete all assigned readings and written homework
What is the Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr. Leadership Academy?
The inaugural Dr. Lynn Beckwith Leadership Academy was launched in Winter 2021 by our 34th District Representative, Osuman O. Issaka, who envisioned it as a mechanism to train and develop future district leaders. This year’s program builds on that foundation with sessions covering:
Foundations of Fraternal Leadership
Officer roles, responsibilities, and expectations
Brotherly relations, spiritual and mental health awareness
Parliamentary procedures
Omega history, protocol, and governance structure and governing documents
Personal growth and professional development
The academy faculty comprises former and current Eighth District representatives, international committee chairmen, and subject matter experts from across the Fraternity.
Who Is Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr.?
The leadership academy honors the legacy of Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr., a living embodiment of Omega leadership and the Cardinal Principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. Initiated into the Fraternity on May 10, 1958, through the Omicron Sigma Chapter in St. Louis, Dr. Beckwith has exemplified servant leadership throughout his illustrious career. His contributions to Omega, the Eighth District, and the St. Louis community are profound and enduring, setting a sterling example of grace, service, and distinction that inspires us all.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone at the details below.
Glenn E. Rice
Chair, Dr. Lynn Beckwith Jr. Leadership Academy
Email: glennerice1911@gmail.com
Phone: 816-560-2543