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8th District Memo #7

Writer's picture: 8th District KRS8th District KRS

Greetings Brothers. Here is another information update with critical dates regarding the 75th Eighth District meeting scheduled for April 11-14, 2024, in Wichita, Kansas. I need your help in spreading this word to ALL our brothers.

All Brothers are expected to register for the 2024 Eighth District Meeting and pay

the associated fees to participate in any aspect of the meeting. Currently, the registration fee for all classifications is $200. The cutoff for registration is April 4th.  There will be No onsite registration.  As you know, an associated processing fee for your transaction will be added to the registration amount.

In addition, I cannot guarantee meals, rooms, or any other items associated with registration, including gifts for late registrations.

For your convenience, please find below all the links associated with registration for the 75th Eighth District Meeting, as well as the link for hotel registration.

Please do not wait, and be on the outside looking in. We have plenty of rooms, but they are filling fast. The room block expires on March 20th.  The room rate when we arrive for the 75th Eighth District Meeting will be $209 on April 11th, $219 on April 12th, and $199 on April 13th. Book now for the $140 rate.

 Undergraduate Link:



Graduate Link:



Senior Brothers Link:



Visiting Brothers Link:





Wichita Marriot

9100 Corporate Hills Drive | Wichita, KS  67207316-462-3166 (direct) | 316-651-0333 (hotel) | 316-651-0634 (fax) 

Please note that an associated processing fee for your transaction will be added to the respective registration amount. Get registered NOW.


For those Brothers who intend to bring a guest to the Founders Banquet on Saturday, April 13th, please pay for those guests as soon as possible so we can have an accurate count on the number of meals to have prepared. The fee is $45 per guest and can be paid using the following link:

When paying, you will need to enter the amount being paid ($45 per guest) and list the name of the guest of the Brother in the memo spot.

Also, Brothers, it has been a longstanding tradition for each chapter in the 8th District to show support by purchasing ads for the souvenir journal. Please do not miss out on the opportunity to showcase your chapter by purchasing your ads today.


Ads may be purchased in the following ways: using the applicable QR code or check. Ads by mail must be mailed to the address below.


Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.

Attention: Souvenir Ad Journal Team

PO Box 8483

Wichita, KS 67208


Make a check or money order payable to “Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.” email your camera-ready ad to Alternatively, mail the ad layout with your completed form and payment.  All ad info needs to be completed by March 22, 2024. Your advertisement will have broad appeal with the delegates, their families, friends, and community members. More importantly, it will demonstrate your commitment to the local community and may result in new business opportunities and/or personal connections.


If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Patrick Jr via email at or phone at (316)210-6388. Thank you for your consideration.


Respectfully Yours,


Harry O. Willis

75th Eighth District Marshal


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