During the Dr. Moses C. Norman Sr. International Leadership Conference in Nassau, Bahamas, brothers of the Mighty 8th District received their service awards. 16th 8th District Representative Bro. Lynn Beckwith Jr., Upsilon Omega, and Bro. Edward L. White, Beta Upsilon, were on hand to receive their 65 year and 45 year service awards respectively. Below you will find the list of all the service awardees. Congratulations to all our 8th District recipients for their dedication and service!
75 Year Awards
Tommie Jewel, Sr. - Nu Rho
Henry Lee - Upsilon Omega
Wardell Spencer - Upsilon Omega
70 Year Awards
Lloyd Thomas - Xi Pi
65 Year Awards
Charles Jackson - Eta Alpha
Nathaniel Keeling, Sr. - Upsilon Omega
Johnny Bullock - Upsilon Omega
Lynn Beckwith, Jr. - Upsilon Omega
60 Year Awards
E. J. Wilson - Chi Phi
Delbert Griffin - Omicron Xi
Edwin Bailey, Jr. - Upsilon Omega
Gary White - Upsilon Omega
John LaGrone - Upsilon Omega
55 Year Awards
Ronaldo Babb - Chi Phi
Timothy Barker - Mu Omicron
Harry Ratliff - Upsilon Omega
Jerome Swift - Upsilon Omega
Walter Glover - Xi Pi
50 Year Awards
William Nolan - Chi Phi
Willone Eubanks - Delta Phi
James McCown - Mu Omicron
John S. Head - Upsilon Omega
45 Year Awards
Edward L. White - Beta Upsilon
Michael Young - Chi Phi
Craig Lucas - Upsilon Omega
Frank Robinson - Upsilon Omega
40 Year Awards
Curtis Whitten - Gamma Upsilon
Drew Brown - Omicron Iota Iota
Raymond Edgerson - Omicron Xi
Dexter Thompson - Omicron Xi
Larry Tircuit - Omicron Xi
George Cash - Upsilon Omega
35 Year Awards
Boris Forte - Beta Upsilon
Eric Dennis - Chi Phi
Melvin Perry, Jr. - Upsilon Omega
30 Year Awards
Ralph Zanders - Delta Phi
Richard Jefferson - Gamma Upsilon
Gregory Stegall - Omicron Xi
Jason Gibson - Omicron Xi
25 Year Awards
Sheldon Takeall - Nu Rho
Treven Williams - Nu Rho